Dundee village board 02/10/09

Feb 17, 2009 at 02:30 pm by Observer-Review


Dundee village board 02/10/09

Meeting: Dundee village board met for one and one quarter hours Feb.10.
Attendance: Trustee Judy Duquette was absent. Five members of the public in audience.
Action: A resolution to enter into a contract for shared services with other municipalities did not receive a second. If it had been adopted, it would have allowed streets superintendent Andy Howell to engage in work with other municipalities personnel or equipment, and they with the village.
• A forestry grant of $1,000 allowed for increase of $1,000 to the fire department.
• Agreed to offer limited use of the village hall for training of census workers, noting nights would not be available because the room is too busy.
Discussion without action: Attorney Ed Brockman spoke to the board about two proposed changes to village code: Unreasonable Unnecessary Noise and Peace and Good Order. Regarding the noise issue, Brockman said the language as proposed probably falls in the category of unnecessarily vague. He told the board Naples had used the penal law for disorderly conduct and that language was held to be constitutional. A second issue was the penalties. Penalties above fines of $250 or 30 days in jail fall under the definition of misdemeanors and would require a jury trial. Below this would be a violation. Brockman said he had no problem with the language in the proposed peace and Good Order section. However, he feels it needs to have the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) done with the designation of the village board as Lead Agency. Planning board chairperson Pamela Miller disagreed with Brockman about the need to do SEQR for the project, stating it is not required because it is an existing law, only penalties had been changed. Brockman said, “Good practice is to always do a SEQR in case of litigation.” He said, “It is my advice to do it to be safe. My advice is based on any action that could be taken against the municipality. It’s up to the board.” Brockman said the language, unreasonable noise, could have had some modification. At the conclusion of the discussion, Mayor Craig Prior said, “They did a lot. I think we should pass these on to the committee and take action next month and do a public hearing in April.”
• Prior asked trustees if the village wants to change the veterans exemption law. He said the loss in revenue is expected to be about $100,000.
• Prior said he has heard from a couple of people that the village is running out of money and is borrowing money from the fire department. He said that this is not the case but he has sent a memo out asking for no unnecessary spending due to tight funds in January and February.
• Village clerk Christine Sutherland told trustees it is time for bidding out the cemetery and garbage contracts.
• Wastewater treatment plant operator Howard Sautter said letters need to be sent out about smoke testing to let people have time to get into the ground to do repairs. The letters can describe the problems found and Sautter suggested giving property owners three months to remedy problems.
• Prior announced bids for components and equipment for the sewer plant will be opened March 10.
• Health Improvement Project coordinator Lauren Snyder and project coordinator Jane Levatino spoke to the board about plans for the year, including the farm market in Dundee. Snyder said four mini grants were approved but one for purchase of Christmas decorations was not. She suggested ways to modify and resubmit that grant to help make it more successful. Levatino said the farm market project is in need of attorney services. Due to financial limitations, they hope to find an attorney who could assist them at no charge for services. The project includes the vilage of Dundee and the towns of Barrington and Starkey.
• Some bids have been received for pumps that is needed for one of the village wells.
• Prior said the village is looking at different ways of billing water and sewer charges. He has information from other municipalities and will have comparisons for the board at the next meeting.
• Prior told the board that $19,600,000 in projects had been forwarded to Finger Lakes Economic Development Center director Steve Griffin for phase one of the federal economic stimulus project. Griffin is assisting in coordination of requests from Yates County municipalities.
Upcoming meetings: March 10 at 7 p.m. in the village hall on Union Street in Dundee.
Sections: Additional News