Village will fix drainage problem

Jan 27, 2009 at 02:36 pm by Observer-Review


Village will fix drainage problem

PENN YAN—Landslides are not common in the village, but discussion of the potential for one occupied a portion of the village board meeting Jan. 20 when Assistant Public Works Director Richard Osgood outlined work needed to prevent a landslide on East Elm Street. Just north of the Outlet Trail, the area in question is at a point where the drop from street level to the trail is considerable. 
The problem is a result of a drainage pipe installed decades ago that services Larham’s field just north of East Elm Street which had deteriorated and is now allowing runoff to undercut the steep bank. Osgood said 40 feet of pipe has already been lost.
Property owner Joyce Manley has requested that the village make needed repairs to prevent land from sliding down the bank. The site is close to her garage. Osgood offered two options, one that involved purchase of a small piece of property adjacent to the problem area which is not buildable, and the other was to make repairs. Mayor Douglas Marchionda Jr. said he feels the less the village owns the better. He would like to see it fixed and fixed right. 
Osgood said the best way to handle it is to hire local contractors and estimated the cost at approximately $130,000 for labor and equipment. The village would supply the needed materials. Marchionda said, “This is a lot of money to spend. It is threatening a private structure and it seems we have no choice, just on what method we choose to fix it.” 
Village attorney Ed Brockman asked if the village is sure it would repair the problem for the foreseeable future. Osgood responded, “I’m very certain the repair method is effective and cost effective.” Trustee Bob Church, chairman of the village finance committee, added, “We’ve discussed this for more than a year. We have to do something. I’m not excited to spend that amount of money, but we have to fix it.”
Discussion followed about the potential need to bid the project, but Marchionda asked for a motion to make it an emergency situation. In that case it would not be subject to bid. A motion followed directing the public works department to proceed with repair of the pipe without purchasing the adjacent property. 
Osgood said precast concrete structures will be used as part of the drainage. He said they must build the repair basically like a step of stairs to slow the flow of water down. He said they will have to work from the top down, adding, “It will be a tough and costly project.”


Tags: Penn Yan. landslide
Sections: Additional News