Village hosts 'miles of sales' Dundee Day

Jul 04, 2017 at 07:36 pm by Observer-Review

Village hosts 'miles of sales' Dundee Day ADVERTISEMENT

Village hosts 'miles of sales' Dundee Day

DUNDEE--The village of Dundee will again offer "miles of yard sales" for the annual Dundee Day, Saturday, July 8.
The village-wide sales typically begin at 8 a.m. and many run until 4 p.m. Residents will set up sale areas with tents, tarps and tables for the annual yard sale day. Shoppers will find everyday household items, clothes and a variety of used and some vintage furniture pieces. Collectible items have also been located throughout different sale areas.
Vendors will also be located at the Seneca Street Park offering food and snacks for the shoppers. Dundee groups from Rotary, the Methodist Church and the Boy Scouts will offer their food specialities throughout the day.
Our Town Rocks will also offer free watermelon slices at the Seneca Street Park.



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